Determine your own route!

Have you seen a beautiful route but is it not quite to your liking? Prefer something shorter or longer? Or would you rather divert to another location, for example Vinkeveen, because there is a nicer campsite there?

This is possible with us. In consultation we can see what the options are. Please contact and state your wishes in the email. Please also include your telephone number. We will contact you as soon as possible so that we can put together your ideal route!

Botenverhuur de Rijnstroom V.O.F. - Weg naar Rhijnauwen 2 - 3584 AD Utrecht
Tel:030-2521311 of 06-31003835 Mail: K.v.K. Utrecht: 54421926 - Bankrekening:NL 08 INGB 00038581 48  BTW nr: NL 8512.98.771.B.01