Cruising routes

Route through nature


  • This route goes through nature, of Nieuw-Amelisweerd, Oud Amelisweerd, and Rhijnauwen. This Route is not a round trip, but out and back the same way. On this route you will pass several picnic areas and restaurants, with a possible visit to Fort Rhijnauwen. (teahouse rhijnauwen is an hour boat ride from the rhine stream, you also sail the same way back. we do not pick up your boats.
  • Restaurant the Old Tolhuys: 10 min sailing. (
  • New-Amelisweerd picnic area: 30 min boat ride.
  • Cherry Garden: 40 min boat ride.
  • Picnic site Oud-Amelisweerd: 45 min boat ride.
  • Resturant the Field Kitchen: 45 min sailing. (
  • Resturant Early: 45 min boat ride + 10 min walk. (
  • Picnic field Rhijnhauwen: 60 min boat ride.
  • Stay Okay: 60 min sailing. (
  • Teahouse Rhijnhauwen: 60 min sailing. (
  • Fort Rhijnhauwen: 60 min + 10 min walk. (

For the nature route click here.



The red route.

Route the city of Utrecht

  • It is navigable for: canoes, Canadians, sups, rowboats and whisper boats.
  • Departure from: The Rhine River.
  • End point: The Rhine Stream.                                   
  • Mooring options: OosterkadeCatharijnesingel
  • Bermuurde Weerd Oostzijde, and Lepelenburg.
  • Route: There are no signs along the way, keep a close eye on the map, it is an original route map.
  • Click here for the red route.




The Rhine Stream


11.3 km

Sail time

2.5 hours

Which boat?

For all boats




The Rhine Stream


8.9 km

Sail time

2.5 hours

Which boat?

For canoes and sups only

The blue route.

It is navigable for: canoes and sups. (not possible for Canadians, rowboats and whisper boats)

  • Departure from: The Rhine Stream.
  • End point: The Rhine Stream.                                                                        
  • Mooring options: OosterkadeBerm walled Weerd east side, and Griftpark.
  • Important: On this route, please note, you will be sailing under very low bridges, where you will have to lie flat, in the canoe, or on the sup.
  • Route: There are no signs along the way, please keep a close eye on the map, it is an original route map.
  • Click Here for the blue route.

The green route

The Green Route. This is navigable for: canoes and sups. (not possible for Canadians, rowboats and whisper boats)

  • It is navigable for: canoes and sups. (not possible for Canadians, rowboats and whisper boats)
  • Departure from: The Rhine Stream.
  • End point: De Rijnstroom                                                                           
  • Mooring options: Oosterkade.
  • Important: On this route, please note, you will be sailing under very low bridges, where you will have to lie flat, in the canoe, or on the sup.
  • Route : There are no signs along the way, please keep a close eye on the map, it is an original route map.
  • Click Here for the green route




The Rhine Stream


5.3 km

Sail time

1.45 hours

Which boat?

For canoes and sups only





The Rhine Stream


11.9 km

Sail time

2.5 hours

Which boat?

For canoes and sups only

Bloeyendael route.

  • It is navigable for:canoes and sups. (not possible for Canadians, rowboats and whisper boats)
  • Departure from: The Rhine Stream.
  • End point: The Rhine River.                                                                  
  • Mooring options: Bloeyendael, ChatarijnesingelBermuurde Weerd Oostzijde, and Lepelenburg
  • Important: On this route, please note, you will be sailing under very low bridges, where you will have to lie down in the canoe or on the sup.
  • Route: There are no signs along the way, please keep a close eye on the map, it is an original route map.
  • View here then the next route. This route is for canoes and sups only.

Boating routes through downtown Utrecht.


There are several nice cruising routes for you here as well, with many options, it will amaze you. The wharf cellars along the way are very nice to see as you sail past them, with the Dom in the background, makes this route very nice to see.

  • The route through town is a round trip, you start at the Rhine River and we have laid out 3 routes for you. Namely a red route for all vessels, a green route for canoes and sups only and the blue route. Also only for canoes and sups.
  • You will receive a sailing map from us, it shows exactly where you may disembark, it is not possible to moor everywhere.
  • If you want to sail all routes in the city (red-green and blue), it is 17.8 km and 4 hours of sailing time without a break.
  • Picking up some goodies along the way, on the Donkere Gaard, is Coffeehouse & DinnerbarThyme located, there from the dock, you can take you food, in the canoe or boat. 
  • For the sailing route click here.

Job alert!

  • All-round employee(s) for 36 hours per week
  • Driver day trips sa-so
  • Weekend vacation employees
  • Cashier(star) wanted for weekends and vacations